Friday 10 November 2017

Moving Media 210

145 file web circa l'interno di autogoverno territorio britannico d'oltremare delle Bermuda in un dizionario geografico completo e costantemente aggiornato. Sistemazione, le compagnie aeree, aeroporti, Coppa America 2017, appartamenti, l'arte, il registro aeronautico, le banche, le spiagge, Bermuda cittadinanza per stato, Bermuda Dollar, Governo Bermuda, Bermuda-incorporati aziende internazionali e locali, Bermudians, libri e pubblicazioni, Causeway, enti di beneficenza, chiese, città di Hamilton, il commercio, le comunità, le carte di credito, le navi da crociera, la cultura, la cucina, la valuta, i costumi, la disabilità accessibilità, Devonshire, distretti, Dockyard, economia, istruzione, i datori di lavoro, l'occupazione, l'intrattenimento, l'ambiente, executorships e tenute, fauna , traghetti, flora, ex basi militari, fortezze, giardini, geografia, andare in giro, pensioni, golf, governo, pensioni, storia, archivi storici, case, Hamilton, House of Assembly, dazi abitazioni, alberghi, di immigrazione, di importazione, assicuratori e riassicuratori, Commercio internazionale, accesso a Internet, isole, leggi, del sistema legale, la legislazione, i legislatori, ubicazione, strade principali, riviste, matrimoni, i media, i membri del parlamento, i veicoli a motore, comuni, musica, terraferma più vicino, i nuovi arrivati, giornali, le organizzazioni, le parrocchie, i parchi, Paget, Pembroke, residenti permanenti, le pensioni, i partiti politici, francobolli, giorni festivi, trasporti pubblici, percorso ferroviario, religioni, rivenditori, Royal Naval Dockyard, Sandys, Smiths, Somerset, Southampton, St. Davids Isola , St Georges, anziani, registro di sistema di spedizione, Somerset, Spanish Point, Spittal Pond, sport, le tasse, le telecomunicazioni, il fuso orario, tradizioni, turismo, Città di San Giorgio, Tuckers Town, utilities, sport acquatici, Warwick, tempo, fauna , permesso di lavoro. Bermudas Clima e Meteo tutto l'anno temperature e uragani, più fresco in inverno rispetto Caraibi 1.000 miglia a sud da Keith Archibald Forbes (vedi Chi siamo) esclusivamente per Bermuda online Il clima è sub-tropicale, mite in inverno, primavera e autunno (caduta) , ma da fine maggio a ottobre, può essere un caldo insopportabile e con particolarmente elevata umidità. La parte più calda dell'anno è da maggio a metà ottobre, quando le temperature oscillano fra 75F 23C e 29C 85F. Umidità, spesso ben oltre l'85, è al suo massimo da luglio a metà ottobre. Nonostante la sua latitudine e longitudine - e la sua posizione così a nord dei Caraibi, circa un migliaio di miglia a nord di esso, infatti, - Bermuda è del tutto priva di gelo, neve-libero e libero dai ghiacci. Perché, perché le calde acque della Corrente del Golfo passano vicino a Bermuda. Tuttavia, può essere favorevole per chi soffre di febbre da fieno. erbaccia Rag non esiste in Bermuda e pollini di altre erbe infestanti sono rapidamente soffiato verso il mare. Ma nota che per chi soffre di allergie. il clima sempre umido genera muffe, funghi e acari. Alcuni farmaci disponibili senza prescrizione medica richiedono altrove prescrizioni in Bermuda presso la sede medici locali. Non tutte le farmacie a Bermuda sono concessi in licenza farmacia,. Si dovrà visitare uno di questi nella città di Hamilton o la Città di San Giorgio di ottenere nulla prescritto a livello locale, ma forse non è portato da una farmacia albergo. venti oceanici Bermudas sono temperati dalla Corrente del Golfo, ma quando i venti sud prevalgono, gli aumenti di umidità e, a volte si verificano temporali. I mesi di umidità più elevati sono luglio e agosto. Le temperature raramente scendono sotto i 55 gradi F o superano 90 gradi F. La temperatura dell'aria più bassa mai registrata era 43.6F. Il più alto è stato 94F. La temperatura dell'acqua durante i mesi invernali sono più o meno come la temperatura dell'aria, che vanno da circa 66F (in gennaio) attraverso 75F fino alla tarda primavera. pioggia annuale sufficiente è uno dei motivi per cui Bermuda è di solito lussureggiante fogliame e verde, nonostante il suo terreno alcalino molto superficiale. Non vi è alcun monsoni o stagione delle piogge a causa delle Bermuda non è nei Caraibi, ma alcuni mesi tendono ad essere più umido rispetto ad altri. Ma altri possono essere privo di tanta pioggia. Inoltre, alcuni - come la fine di giugno, luglio e agosto, in particolare, e inizio settembre - possono essere estremamente (e sgradevole) umido. Se questo ti colpisce male, e non vi dispiace l'acqua di raffreddamento per il nuoto, quindi provare maggio o giugno o fine settembre a ottobre. Per le previsioni meteo, controllare la pagina Bermuda Weather Service. Si tratta di un servizio di governo delle Bermuda, forniti dal Ministero dei Trasporti Dipartimento delle operazioni di volo. Bermuda temperature medie e precipitazioni per mese Visualizzazione media (media di alti e bassi per il mese) figure, molto più freddo in inverno che ai Caraibi o in Florida. A verage dati giornalieri. Essi possono variare sostanzialmente mese per mese. Ma su una base di anno in anno, i dati accumulati non variano di molto. Pioggia e temporali generano le isole solo approvvigionamento di acqua dolce. Non vi è alcuna fornitura di acqua corrente, nel centro di eccezione per un paio di pochi posti. Quando c'è la pioggia insufficiente, l'acqua è ordinato e pagato dai serbatoi del governo o le piante di acqua di mare di distillazione e consegnato da camionisti acqua. All'aperto in Dicembre-Febbraio può essere freddo a volte, soprattutto in frequenti tempeste invernali. Ambientazione interna, la maggior parte Bermudians non hanno riscaldamento centrale nelle loro case come si fa negli Stati Uniti, Canada, Europa e Regno Unito, ma fuochi all'aperto in una stanza o stufe elettriche. Portare alcuni capi di abbigliamento della lana nei mesi invernali. Bermuda variazioni di temperatura. Il tutto l'anno significa l'umidità relativa è 77. Ma nei mesi di maggio a ottobre, è molto più alto. È, debilitante-minando energetico, cronica, con la necessità di cambiare i vestiti tre volte al giorno. La maggior parte del Nord Stati Uniti d'America, Regno Unito, Europa e cittadini canadesi non viene detto su di esso e alcuni possono avere una molto grave rash calore e l'umidità da esso. Per coloro potenzialmente interessati male da una combinazione di calore e umidità elevata, si raccomanda che quando si vacanza alle Bermuda, si arriva in altri - inverno - mesi quando l'umidità è bassa. Uragani Attenzione l'uragano libro del compianto autore Bermudian Terry Tucker. 2016. 12 agosto I residenti possono avere a rinforzarsi per un altro potente tempesta dopo in previsioni degli Stati Uniti ha previsto che quest'anno potrebbe essere il più trafficato stagione degli uragani dell'Atlantico dal 2012. Secondo l'Associated Press, la prospettiva aggiornata National Oceanic and Atmospheric Amministrazioni indicato da 12 a 17 tempeste chiamate, di cui cinque a otto uragani due a quattro dei quali potrebbe essere importante. In media, gli Stati Uniti ottiene 12 tempeste atlantiche nome di una stagione, tra cui sei uragani, tre dei quali grave. L'effetto di El Nio nel Pacifico che tende a ridurre l'attività degli uragani atlantici è ormai dissipando. Gerry Bell, del Centro Prediction NOAAs clima, ha detto che il fenomeno opposto, La Nia, può formarsi come i sei mesi di stagione picchi, ma non dovrebbe avere un impatto significativo. - Americano basato 2016. 28 maggio National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ha previsto un Atlantic stagione degli uragani nei pressi della media, ma è da notare l'incertezza nei soliti segnali di clima. In una dichiarazione di ieri NOAA ha predetto un centesimo probabilità del 70 per che l'Atlantico sperimenta da dieci a 16 tempeste chiamate. Di quelle tempeste chiamate, 07:56 potrebbe diventare uragani mentre 03:59 potrebbe diventare uragani importanti, raggiungendo categoria 3 o superiore forza. Mentre una stagione quasi normale è più probabile con un cento di possibilità 45 per, vi è anche una probabilità del 30 per cento di una stagione al di sopra del normale e una probabilità del 25 per cento di una stagione al di sotto del normale, prosegue il comunicato. La dichiarazione ha anche osservato che l'uragano Alex, che soffiava attraverso l'Atlantico del Nord nel mese di gennaio, è stato incluso nelle stime. Gerry Bell, sulle previsioni stagionali in vantaggio con Centro Prediction NOAAs climatici, ha detto: Questa è una prospettiva più impegnativo stagione degli uragani che la maggior parte perché il suo difficile determinare se ci sarà rafforzarsi o concorrenti influenze del clima sullo sviluppo tempesta tropicale. Tuttavia, una previsione quasi normale per questa stagione suggerisce potremmo vedere più attività degli uragani che weve visto negli ultimi tre anni, che erano di sotto del normale. La dichiarazione ha osservato, tuttavia, vi è un certo grado di incertezza sullo status dell'Atlantico Multi-Decadal Oscillation, un modello di temperatura dell'oceano che si crede di causare un aumento dell'attività degli uragani durante la fase di riscaldamento, e La Nia, un sistema di tempo associata a un aumento attività degli uragani. La dichiarazione è venuto come il corpo stava guardando un sistema subtropicale a sud ovest di Bermuda che era destinato a diventare il secondo di nome tempesta del 2016. James Dodgson, in qualità di direttore del Bermuda Weather Service, ha detto che mentre alcuni fattori che contribuiscono reso difficile fare previsioni accurate come occupato la stagione sarebbe stata, anche una sola tempesta potrebbe avere un grande impatto. Il miglior consiglio BWS in grado di fornire, in associazione con una qualsiasi di queste previsioni stagionali, siano essi suggeriscono un anno attivo o inattivo, deve essere sempre preparati, non importa ciò che i numeri stanno dicendo. Ci vuole solo un ciclone tropicale (tempesta tropicale o uragano) per renderlo una stagione occupato per Bermuda, con potenziali impatti significativi. L'uragano al largo delle Bermuda In caso di previsioni di uragano, vedi link Hurricane speciale al National Hurricane Center degli Stati Uniti o di The Weather Channel. Alcuni hotel Bermuda e le proprietà sono dotate di una garanzia di uragano, che garantisce a determinate condizioni che, se si annullano a causa di un uragano che impedisce loro di arrivo, nessuna penalità è attaccato. Gli studi condotti dalla Bermuda Weather Service ha rilevato che dal 1609 ad oggi, tempeste devastanti influenzano l'isola ogni sei o sette anni. Il nostro ciclone tropicale o uragano, stagione va da maggio a novembre, con una media di una tempesta che passa entro 180 miglia nautiche dalla isola ogni anno. Gli uragani sono gravi tempesta subtropicale o tropicale, con forti piogge e venti intensi che soffiano in un grande movimento circolare attorno ad un centro quoteye. quot stagione degli uragani nell'Atlantico ufficialmente corre per sei mesi, dal 1 giugno al 30 novembre La maggior parte uragani si verificano nel mese di agosto, settembre e ottobre. Bermuda è di solito abbastanza ben protetto dalle sue scogliere, ma onde alte sulla cima di una tempesta può causare problemi in zone basse vicino al mare. Gli uragani non sono così diffusi qui come nei Caraibi, ma lo fanno di tanto in tanto visitare la nostra isola una volta ogni sette anni o giù di lì. Quando gli uragani colpiscono, il loro danno ad alberghi e case di abitazione private è spesso superficiale rispetto ad altri posti. Uno dei motivi principali è perché per legge tutti gli edifici devono essere solidamente costruiti in Bermuda calcare o blocchi di cemento. Confrontare questo alle zone costiere degli Stati Uniti dove il legno, non in pietra, predomina. Mentre tutti Bermuda è costiera - nessuna parte di Bermuda è più di 1.5 miglia dal mare - Bermuda manca una pendenza sottomarina graduale, che è una causa primaria di tempesta grave. Ma Bermudas flora - alberi, fiori, vegetazione e simili - e la fauna non sono protetti dagli uragani nel modo in cui molti edifici sono. Bermuda viene spesso interruzioni elettriche da venti di burrasca. Questo significa nessun potere a volte per ore o giorni o settimane - ea causa delle interruzioni elettriche senza acqua può essere disegnato, tranne manualmente in secchi se disponibili, da serbatoi interrati nelle case locali. Il loro unico modo per ottenere l'acqua per, vasche da bagno, lavandini, docce e servizi igienici è da pompe elettriche da serbatoi di acqua da ogni proprietà. Non vi è alcuna fornitura di acqua sotterranea centrale. Inoltre, i telefoni possono essere fuori per settimane - e TV via cavo per oltre un mese, come nel settembre 2003. Gli uragani più recenti sono state nel 2014. Gli uragani che colpiscono Bermuda, le isole dei Caraibi, America del Nord, ecc usato per essere chiamato dopo santi , secondo gli uragani del libro di Ivan R. Tannehill. Uragano Santa Ana ha colpito Porto Rico nel 1825, e due uragani San Felipe ha raggiunto l'isola nel 1876 e 1928. Il Hurricane Center ha iniziato dando Atlantic tempeste tropicali popoli nomi nel 1953, quando gli Stati Uniti abbandonato un piano per assegnare loro un nome dopo la sua alfabeto militari fonetica, come ad esempio Able, Baker e Charlie. L'Organizzazione Meteorologica Mondiale con sede a Ginevra ora mantiene le liste atlantiche e quelle per le tre aree del Pacifico due sezioni dell'Oceano Indiano e le Filippine, Papua Nuova Guinea, Figi e le regioni australiane. Tali elenchi sono riutilizzati a intervalli diversi e contengono nomi indigeni, come ad esempio il nome di Thai Prapiroon. Tutti i nomi erano donne fino al 1978, quando mens sono stati inclusi per alcune tempeste del Pacifico. Nel 1979, i nomi di sesso maschile sono stati aggiunti alla lista per l'Atlantico e Golfo del Messico regione, nota come il bacino Atlantico. I nomi si alternano tra maschi e femmine e anche tra inglese, di origine francese e spagnolo. 2017 Hurricane Nomi Di seguito sono le tempeste chiamate che si possono formare nel Nord Atlantico nel 2016: Seguito da l'alfabeto greco, se necessario. I nomi sono dati a tempeste tropicali, che sono quelli con venti sostenuti di almeno 39 miglia all'ora. Quando venti soffiano costantemente a 74 miglia all'ora o più, la tempesta diventa un uragano. storia Hurricane (a) 1609-1962 che ha colpito Bermuda 1609. Bermuda fu colonizzata nel mese di luglio, come il risultato diretto di un uragano. Il 24 luglio, un uragano è affondata una nave e ha gettato il fiore all'occhiello Sea Venture finora fuori rotta che è stato distrutto su una scogliera in Bermuda il 28 luglio tutti i 150, tra cui John Rolfe e sua moglie incinta sono state salvate. Ma la signora Rolfe e sua figlia sono morti in Bermuda Bermuda. I coloni ricostruiti due barche dalle macerie. Vedere l'ammiraglio Sir George Somers colonizzazione delle Bermuda. 1619. Novembre 1619. Un decennio dopo la tempesta Sea Venture, un altro uragano ha colpito l'isola, l'invio del conte di Warwick nave, Warwick. al fondo poco profonda di Castle Harbour. 1620. Dopo essere stato rovesciato da un uragano, Moores Monte è stata ricostruita solo dopo Pasqua dal governatore Butler come opera triangolare. 1629. A St. Georges, Butlers torre di guardia fu gettato giù per la collina da un uragano che passa. 1689. Governatore Richard Coney lamentato ai signori di Consiglio a Londra come grandi tempeste sempre fatto lui e la sua famiglia si rifugiano in una casa di vicini. 1712. 8 settembre Il primo dei due uragani grave ha colpito l'isola. Molti dei Bermudas edifici storici, tra cui Chiesa di S. Pietro a St. Georges, sono state danneggiate. Dal momento che Bermudas primi coloni avevano costruito quasi tutto in legno di cedro, compresi gli edifici commerciali e chiese, molti sono stati distrutti. E 'stato come un risultato diretto di questi uragani che la decisione è stata presa per costruire edifici da calcare, al contrario di legno e sopportare quindi uragani meglio. Nuovi metodi di costruzione sono stati sviluppati per tagliare pietra da colline creando edifici di calcare massiccio, di cui molti ancora esistono. 1780. 10 ottobre uno dei più gravi uragani registrato mai colpito Bermuda. Cinquanta navi sono stati guidati a terra, con molti danni. Case sono state distrutte. cedri sono stati strappati up del corpo dalle radici. La marea è salito a una grande altezza. Era conosciuto come quotThe Grande Hurricanequot avendo in precedenza colpito Barbados con venti verso l'alto di 200 miglia all'ora e ha causato la morte diffusa e danni, prima di marciare lungo la catena Antille e poi a Bermuda. Il suo bilancio delle vittime non è stato superato. 1831. 11 agosto 12, 13. Bermudians erano stupiti di vedere il sole con un aspetto decisamente blu, emettendo una luce blu inquietante quando splendeva in camere e in altri luoghi chiusi. Navi in ​​mare ad ovest fino Cape Hatteras riferito che quottheir vele bianche è apparso un colour. quot azzurro Un mese più tardi si è appreso che la luce del sole blu stupefacente aveva coinciso con un terribile uragano che ha causato 1.477 persone a perdere la propria vita. Si è supposto che l'uragano era intensivo abbastanza da causare disturbi insolito in strati atmosferici superiori, e rifrazione, diffrazione o l'assorbimento dei raggi luminosi, per provocare la riflessione blu. 1832. giugno. Gales Potenti spazzato Bermuda. 1839. settembre. Un uragano ha causato gravi danni. E 'avvenuto mentre Sir William Reid era qui come governatore, che gli ha dato ulteriori approfondimenti in uragani, su cui aveva pubblicato il primo volume scientifico su un tema così tempestosa l'anno precedente. 1880. quotReidsquot uragano ha colpito. 1889. Settembre 1213, un uragano devastato la Causeway che collega St. Georges Island per l'isola principale. Doveva essere ricostruito. Inoltre è stato distrutto il frangiflutti al Dockyard, che doveva essere riparato. 1900. 17 settembre Venti di forza di uragano. Near Miss. 1915. Settembre 34, un uragano ha causato il vapore Pollokshields da naufragio sugli scogli del South Shore. Il maestro ha perso la vita. Pioggia e 82 venti di mph. 1916. L'uragano il 23 settembre. 1917. 4 Settembre tempesta con le maree senza precedenti. 1918. 45. settembre uragano diretto-hit. 1921. 15 settembre Quasi diretta colpite uragano, con 120 mph raffiche. 1922. L'uragano diretto colpito il 21 settembre. Venti a 120 mph e tempesta 8 piedi. 1923. 30 settembre tempesta passata a NW con venti fino a 62 mph. 1 926. 22 ottobre Avana-Bermuda uragano di categoria 4 diretta-hit. venti di 114 mph. Ha ucciso 88 alle Bermuda, ha causato la distruzione di più sempre in Bermuda fino ad oggi e ha causato 100 milioni di danni. Categoria quattro. Quando è passato direttamente sopra l'isola, c'erano raffiche di vento fino a 143 nodi. Due navi da guerra britanniche, la Calcutta e la valeriana affondò e il 88 che è morto durante questa tempesta sono stati tutti i marinai e gli ufficiali a bordo della valeriana. E 'stato il responsabile ultimo per un totale di 738 morti, tra cui 650 persone a Cuba. Vedere sotto questa data in bermuda-online. orghistory1900-1951.htm 1932. 12 novembre tempesta passati 100 miglia a est. con raffiche di vento a 91 mph. 1 939. 16 ottobre l'uragano passò 50 miglia ad est, si snoda fino a 100 mph con raffiche 131 mph. Pioggia. 1 947. 20 ottobre l'uragano 40 miglia a NW con venti fino a 100 mph. 1948 (i). 13 settembre l'uragano 50 miglia a ovest, venti 800-100 mph, telefoni e taglio di corrente. 1948 (ii). 7 ottobre l'uragano-colpo diretto. Winds 110 mph. 1953 (i). 5 settembre l'uragano Carol passò a 200 miglia ad ovest, dando Bermuda 50-60 mph venti. 1953 (ii). 12 settembre la tempesta tropicale Dolly passata sopra, ma solo con la pioggia e tempeste. 1953 (iii). 17 settembre Uragano Edna passò nel raggio di 50 miglia con venti di 120 mph, piogge torrenziali e molti danni ai tetti. Tre persone sono rimaste ferite. 1958. 28 settembre l'uragano era 230 miglia al largo. con 30 venti di mph, ma onde che si infrangono. 1961. 67. ottobre l'uragano Frances virò via, poco vento ma battere il surf. 1962. 6 ottobre l'uragano Daisy manca da 120 miglia, si snoda a 66 mph con il surf pesante. storia Hurricane (b) 1963-presente che ha colpito Bermuda 1963. 9 agosto l'uragano Arlene un-colpo diretto, venti a 90 mph, molti danni alla vegetazione. Aveva minacciato l'isola per quasi una settimana prima di arrivare a terra. Nella sua scia ha lasciato centinaia di barche, case e vaste aree di vegetazione distrutte o danneggiate. E 'stata la prima volta in un decennio che un uragano non avesse deviato il suo corso di distanza dall'isola. 1 964. Le fasce esterne dell'uragano Gladys scagliato Bermuda, con venti ma pochi danni, se ne fosse stato ufficialmente segnalato. Tuttavia, ha causato alcuni problemi. Al USAs base navale di funzionamento, Bermuda. la stazione di servizio di emergenza per il personale militare basato c'era la piscina del motore, che a quel tempo si trovava nel vecchio idrovolante gancio. Erano abbastanza sicuro, ma erano fondamentalmente intrappolati senza cibo. Diversi tentato di raggiungere la cucina per le forniture, ma sono stati respinti dalla tempesta. A un certo punto l'occhio passato direttamente sopra la base. Hanno saltato in diversi veicoli e facevano a gara per la mensa per rifornirsi di cibo e corse di nuovo al gancio d'occhio passava e la tempesta hanno ripreso. Oltre a quanto sopra citato di base US Navy a Southampton Parish, che aveva la sua propria casa di potere e sotterraneo Media l'unica luce visibile dalla base era di Gibbs Hill Lighthouse. 1965. L'uragano Anna non era una minaccia diretta alle Bermuda. 1966. 31 agosto Fringe dell'uragano fede. pioggia e vento a 62 mph. 1971. 23 settembre l'uragano Ginger passò a sud di Bermuda, con onde pesanti e venti di burrasca per 17 ore. Ma non vi era alcuna perdita di vite umane o danni. Il passaggio uragani non è riuscito ad alleviare condizioni di siccità persistente. Tuttavia, la minaccia ha causato la presenza Royal Navy in Bermuda per evacuare la nave, l'esercito americano ha evacuato alcuni aerei e due navi da crociera in visita a sinistra presto per evitare la minaccia. 1 973. luglio 34. Hurricane Alice, il minimo di distanza di 26 miglia, ma la pioggia pesante. 1975. 26 settembre l'uragano Faye 40 miglia di distanza, forti venti, pioggia. 1977. 27 settembre Hurricane Dorothy 60 miglia a SE, forti piogge. 1981. 7 settembre l'uragano Emily passò, solo con 35 venti di mph. 1987. 25 settembre l'uragano Emily. solo una categoria Uno, si è trasferito inaspettatamente rapidamente, causando tornado, il caos e molti danni. Con raffiche di vento registrate fino a 125 mph, molti sono stati colti di sorpresa come la tempesta si aspettava di perdere l'isola. Piccolo, ma vizioso e la deposizione delle uova diversi tornado, Emily ha causato diffusa caos e danni - soprattutto per auto e barche, anche se le case hanno sperimentato gravi danni durante il passaggio tempeste pure. St. Georges è stato colpito duramente, come è stato l'hotel Hamilton Princess, quando tutti i 80 finestre in frantumi. Più di 100 persone sono state trattate al re Edoardo VII Memorial Hospital per le ossa rotte da detriti volanti e parte del tetto ospedali è stato spazzato via. In definitiva Emily ha provocato 35 milioni di danni per l'isola. N o è stato ucciso, ma Emily è stata la più forte uragano a colpire Bermuda dal 1948. 1989. 4 agosto tempesta tropicale Dean 23 miglia di distanza con 90 venti di mph. 1991. Ottobre 2729. forme uragano Grace In zona Bermuda, si libra, ha dato enormi mari. 1995. 14 agosto dell'uragano Felix 50 miglia di distanza, si snoda fino a 75 mph, martellante navigare per 3 giorni su South Shore. Felix si aspettava di passare entro 14 miglia di Bermuda ma all'improvviso virò via, salvando l'isola da un impatto diretto. Nonostante ciò, Bermuda sentito i venti di uragano-forza per più di otto ore, e un referendum per l'indipendenza tanto atteso ha dovuto essere rinviata. La tempesta ha tagliato il potere di circa 18.000 abitazioni e ha causato una stima di 2,5 milioni in danni. 1996. 20 ottobre l'uragano Lily 140 miglia a SE, pioggia e venti di 42 nodi. 1997. 89. ottobre l'uragano Erika 300 miglia di distanza, nessun danno. 1998 (i). 23 set. L'uragano Danielle 200 miglia NW. Pioggia, temporali, venti a 46 mph. 1998 (ii). Settembre 2122. L'uragano Karl formata nei pressi di Bermuda. Venti sono stati fino a 44 mph con rovesci e rovesci temporaleschi. 1 998 (iii). 6 novembre uragano Mitch. Ingenti danni al di là delle Bermuda, ma pesanti pioggia e raffiche di vento in Bermuda a 69 mph. 1999. 21 settembre l'uragano passò Gert 120 miglia ad est di Bermuda. raffiche di vento fino a 75 mph, molte spiagge danneggiate. 2000. 16 settembre Hurricane Firenze 60 miglia di distanza. Venti fino a 50 nodi. 2001 (i). 9 settembre Uragano Erin era di 90 miglia a E. Ma con soli venti tropicali forza di tempesta che ha causato onde avariato e un po 'di erosione costiera. 2001. (ii) il 7 ottobre tempesta tropicale Michelle minacciati, ma svanito in avvicinamento. Pochi danni. 2001. (iii). Ottobre. Anche se Karen didnt diventare un uragano fino a quando lei era già allontanando dall'isola, il sistema catturato Bermuda di sorpresa. rapidamente la costruzione di un disturbo a bassa pressione per una tempesta tropicale alle nostre porte. Venti raggiunto 74 mph, lo stato di quasi-uragano, distruggendo la vegetazione e downing linee elettriche, lasciando più di due terzi dell'isola senza potere. 2002. 30 settembre l'uragano Kyle è venuto nel raggio di 100 miglia nautiche a sud. ma con scarso effetto. Del 2003. 5 settembre uragano Fabian devastato Bermuda. E 'stata la tempesta più forte per colpire costa Bermudas in quattro decenni. E 'iniziato leggermente quando Bermuda svegliato a raffiche di vento tra i 25 mph e 37 mph come l'uragano Fabian avuto occhi puntati su Bermuda. L'uragano si avvicinava l'isola da sud, sud-ovest e si è trasferito a nord. L'occhio del ciclone, che era 50 miglia da nord a sud e 30 miglia da est a ovest, poi viaggiato attraverso l'isola portando i venti più alti. La parete dell'occhio costeggiava ad ovest seduto sull'isola per circa tre ore nel quadrante nord-est, tradizionalmente la parte più forte della tempesta. Con 5:55 quando sono stati registrati i più forti venti di 150 mph, l'isola aveva già perso quattro vite sulla Causeway. Sono tutti morti quando sono stati travolti dalla Causeway durante l'uragano. P. C. Stephen Antoine Symons, 37, P. C. Nicole O'Connor, 29, Stazione Duty Ufficiale, Gladys Saunders, 48, sono rimasti intrappolati sul ponte in una sola macchina. Stephen Antoine Symons pollo, 37, è stato uno dei due agenti di scorta stazione Duty Ufficiale Gladys Saunders, torna a casa sua in anatre Pozzanghera, Hamilton Parish. Un civile, Manuel Pacheco, 23 anni, un dipendente della Società di Hamilton, è stato bloccato in una seconda cura dietro di loro a circa 2:30 Stava tornando a casa dopo essersi assicurato la sua barca a St. Davids. Anche se i tentativi sono stati fatti per salvarli, i vigili del fuoco, agenti di polizia e un operaio costruzioni ha dovuto interrompere la missione, quando la tempesta è diventata troppo male. Il corpo di P. C. Symons è stato trovato due giorni dopo e le altre vittime sono state mai più visto. Durante la giornata di Fabian ci sono stati segnalati raffiche più vicino a 160 mph, tuttavia, intorno 16:55 il apparecchiature di sorveglianza Bermuda Weather Services era corto come l'acqua è salito di otto piedi sopra il livello del mare e la registrazione interrotta per due ore. L'equipaggio Weather Service stati fortunati ad avere ancora apparecchiature per il monitoraggio dopo il meteorologo Brian Kolts detto Royal Gazette che altri cinque nodi avrebbero saltato il tetto a prova di bomba loro ricovero militare-made degli Stati Uniti. Verso le 18:55 l'occhio era a nord di Bermuda e venti commutato direzione provenire da una direzione ovest sul lato relativamente più debole della tempesta. E per 11.55 pm il giorno dopo, i venti di uragano avevano ufficialmente passato sopra l'isola, con velocità sostenuta di 40 nodi (46 mph) con raffiche fino a 52 nodi (60 mph) che colpiscono l'isola. Da allora in poi, c'è stato un calo costante la velocità del vento come Fabian soffiava nell'Atlantico nord, e da 4:55 di Sabato Meteo Centro è stato appena registrando condizioni di tempesta tropicale, con venti sostenuti a 36 nodi (41 mph). Ma ciò che ha lasciato nella sua scia era tutt'altro che calmo. costi stimati per i danni dalla tempesta correvano nella zona di 300 milioni. Circa 25.000 di 32.000 abitazioni e aziende sono stati lasciati senza potere, anche se a metà pomeriggio di Domenica, BELCO riferito che 11.000 case avevano il loro potere ripristinata. A 20-squadra forte dai Caraibi Association elettrico, a Cayman, è arrivato il Martedì per offrire aiuto dove potevano. L'East End dell'isola, tuttavia, è stato cut-off per giorni dopo la Causeway era impraticabile. Alcuni giorni dopo è stato aperto al traffico a senso unico, ma ancora chiuso di notte e, infine, nel mese di ottobre l'arteria principale dell'isola era in esecuzione come normale. alberghi Bermudas sofferto, con la maggior parte del tetto Sonesta Beach Hotel volare e il Fairmont Southampton anche lottato per sostituire il suo tetto. Fabian convenientemente colpito all'inizio dell'anno scolastico e ha significato l'apertura delle scuole di governo è stata ritardata di una settimana e che non si è aperta fino al 15 settembre St. Georges preparazione trascorso mesi il recupero dopo la tempesta, che ha raso al suolo l'edificio e due anni dopo l'uragano Fabian devastato l'isola il Dipartimento dei Parchi e del Ministero dei Lavori e Ingegneria ha iniziato la riparazione l'ingresso alla Chiesa Bay, che è stato gravemente danneggiato. Più tardi, t ha 5 settembre Foundation, un ente di beneficenza, eretta una panchina memoriale in Kindley Field Park, vicino al luogo della tragedia. La fondazione in quanto ha creato una borsa di studio per le vittime Fabian bambini. 2006. settembre. Uragano Firenze causato solo danni superficiali generale. 23.000 su 68.500 residenti hanno avuto interruzioni di energia elettrica. Solo un hotel è stato danneggiato, con la spiaggia di un altro essendo scomparso. giornali americani e canadesi, servizi Internet e altre fonti di notizie ha dato l'uragano un'ampia copertura, ma non vi era alcuna menzione di esso nel Regno Regni BBC o giornali o equivalenti europei. 2010. 19 settembre l'uragano Igor. previsto per essere una tempesta mostro un livello di 500 miglia nautiche Categoria Tre il sistema è crollato prima di atterrare, ma lato-fregato l'isola durante la notte con forti venti, le onde, la pioggia e qualche allagamento in alcuni punti. Tuttavia, non ha causato morti o feriti gravi. Il danno è stato per lo più superficiali come le case e gli alberghi sono in pietra, non è il legno. Ma gli alberi sono scesi sulle strade e l'elettricità, TV via cavo, radio, televisione e Internet interruzioni si sono verificate. Nessuna menzione nel Regno Unito. L'uragano è stato ridotto a una categoria Una tempesta per il momento si avvicinava l'Isola, e non è venuto vicino come previsto. Tuttavia la tempesta ancora causato inondazioni in Somerset e St Georges e strappò diverse imbarcazioni dai loro ormeggi, tra governo tenera Bermudian. Circa l'80 per cento dei clienti Belco, 28.700 case e aziende, perso il potere. Energia elettrica è stata ripristinata a tutti, ma 5.600 case il giorno successivo. 2012. 5 settembre la tempesta tropicale Leslie poste una minaccia, ma non durò. 2014. 12 ottobre Bermuda è stata duramente colpita dalla tempesta tropicale Fay che era stata prevista da fonti statunitensi di passare ad est come una semplice tempesta tropicale o uragano di categoria uno. Invece, ha rafforzato improvvisamente e passato direttamente sopra Bermuda, senza alcun preavviso. I residenti hanno sperimentato 80-120 venti mph raffiche poi riferito di aver raggiunto il picco a 155 mph. alberi di cocco e altri alberi crollati, bloccando l'accesso alle case. Molti tetti sono stati danneggiati. Tutte le scuole sono state chiuse e uno ha perso il suo tetto. Due terzi delle case hanno perso l'elettricità quando le linee elettriche aeree sono stati abbattuti. interruzioni di energia elettrica significava nessun potere, senza acqua corrente, senza servizi igienici di lavaggio, senza frigoriferi o aria condizionata, niente radio o la TV o Internet. Molte barche sono state distrutte e container sono stati soffiati dal porto di Hamilton nel porto. Questo è stato un uragano veloce, furioso ma di breve durata. 2014. 17 ottobre Bermuda ha ricevuto un colpo diretto dall'uragano Gonzalo solo una settimana dopo il suo ultimo evento, ma a causa di avvertimenti precedenti, questa volta era ben preparato. Compagnie aeree smesso di volare in anticipo per la durata e navi da crociera, destinati a Bermuda, ha visitato altre porte, invece. Ancora una volta gli alberi di cocco e altri alberi crollati, bloccando l'accesso alle case. Alcuni tetti sono stati danneggiati o persi. Tutte le attività e scuole chiuse in anticipo. Due terzi delle case hanno perso energia elettrica. interruzioni di energia elettrica significava nessun potere, senza acqua corrente, senza servizi igienici di lavaggio, senza frigoriferi o aria condizionata, niente radio o la TV o Internet. Alcune barche sono state distrutte. Britains Royal Navy ha inviato una nave da guerra per aiutare gli sforzi di recupero e fornitori di energia elettrica dei Caraibi (da 900 miglia di distanza) erano in stand-by. 2015. 4 ottobre l'uragano Joaquin passata entro 75 miglia di Bermuda. sferzante l'isola con pioggia torrenziale. Ma non c'era gravi danni. 2016. 24 settembre la tempesta tropicale Karl passò accanto all'isola con un impatto minimo, ma più di 800 clienti Belco erano senza potere e il Dipartimento dei Parchi sta consigliando bagnanti per evitare le acque su tutte le spiagge del sud, come l'aumento è rimasta elevata. 2016. 13 ottobre l'uragano Nicole, poi a categoria 4, ha colpito Bermuda. E 'dietro alcuni gravi danni alle infrastrutture isole. It caused walls and roads to collapse, tore roofs off buildings, ripped up trees, smashed boats against rocks and flooded numerous homes and roads. Walls were damaged along the Causeway, the only route to and from the airport. The Royal Bermuda Regiment was a principal player during and after. Many power lines were downed. Flooding victims included Victor Scott Primary School, while Baileys Bay Cricket Clubs structure suffered extensive damage. Residents near Elbow Beach report a significant outflow from a broken pipe. Other damages are significant. No major marine incidents took place during the storm. Many houses around the island were damaged. Nicole was the biggest hurricane of recent years to make landfall. American system of hurricane assessment - used in Bermuda The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale classifies hurricanes thus: 1 . Pressure 28.94 inches or more. Wind speed of 74 to 95 mph, 4-5 foot storm surge but not much damage. 2. Pressure 28.50-28.93 inches. Wind speed of 96 to 110 mph, storm surge 6-8 feet. moderate damage. 3. Pressure 27.91-28.49 inches. Wind speed of 111 to 130 mph, storm surge 9-12 feet, damage extensive. 4. Pressure 27.17-27.9 inches. Wind speed of 131 to 155 mph, storm surge 13-18 feet, damage very extensive. 5. Pressure less than 27.17 inches, winds greater than 155 mph, storm surge higher than 18 feet, catastrophic damage Last Updated: February 20, 2017. Multi-national 2017 by Bermuda Online. All Rights Reserved. Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Introduction Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is exactly what it sounds like: the average price weighted by volume. VWAP è uguale al valore in dollari di tutti i periodi di scambio diviso per il volume di scambio totale per il giorno corrente. Il calcolo inizia quando il commercio si apre e si conclude quando commercio non si chiude. Perché è buono solo per il giorno di negoziazione in corso, periodi e dati intraday sono utilizzati nel calcolo. Tick ​​contro VWAP tradizionale Minute si basa su dati tick. Come si può immaginare, ci sono molte zecche (commercio) durante ogni minuto della giornata. titoli attivi durante i periodi di tempo attivi possono avere 20-30 zecche in un solo minuto. Con 390 minuti in un tipico giorno di borsa aperta, molti stock finiscono con ben oltre 5000 battiti al giorno. Ci sono più di 5000 azioni scambiate ogni giorno e queste zecche iniziare ad aggiungere in modo esponenziale. Inutile dire che, tic-dati è molto alta intensità di risorse. Invece di VWAP sulla base dei dati tick, StockCharts offre VWAP intraday sulla base di periodi intraday (1, 5, 10, 15, 30 o 60 minuti). Notare che VWAP non è definito per periodi giornalieri, settimanale o mensile a causa della natura del calcolo (vedi sotto). Calcolo Ci sono cinque passi coinvolti nel calcolo VWAP. In primo luogo, calcolare il prezzo tipico per il periodo intraday. Questa è la media di alta, bassa e vicino. In secondo luogo, moltiplicare il prezzo tipico per il volume period039s. Terzo, creare un totale parziale di questi valori. Questo è anche conosciuto come un totale cumulativo. In quarto luogo, creare un totale parziale di volume (cumulativo). In quinto luogo, dividere il totale parziale del prezzo-volume il totale parziale di volume. L'esempio sopra mostra 1 minuto VWAP per i primi 30 minuti di negoziazione in IBM. Dividendo prezzo-volumi cumulativa per volume cumulativo produce un livello di prezzo che viene regolata (ponderato) in volume. Il primo valore VWAP è sempre il prezzo tipico perché il volume è uguale al numeratore e il denominatore. Essi annullano a vicenda nel primo calcolo. Il grafico seguente mostra barre di 1 minuto con VWAP per IBM. I prezzi variavano da 127.36 in alto a 126.67 sul basso per i primi 30 minuti di negoziazione. In realtà è stato un piuttosto volatili primi 30 minuti. VWAP variava 127,21-127,09 e ha trascorso il suo tempo nel mezzo di questa gamma. Caratteristiche come le medie mobili, VWAP rallentamenti prezzo, perché è una media basata su dati passati. I dati più c'è, maggiore è il ritardo. Un titolo è stato scambiato per qualche 331 minuti di 3:00. Come una media cumulativa, questo indicatore è simile a una media mobile a 330 periodo. Questo è un sacco di dati passati. Il valore 1 minuto VWAP alla fine della giornata è spesso molto vicino al valore finale di media mobile 390 minuti. Entrambe le medie mobili sono basati sulle barre 1 minuto per quel giorno. Alla fine, entrambi sono basati su 390 minuti di dati (un giorno intero). Non si può confrontare la media mobile a 390 minuti VWAP durante il giorno, però. Una media mobile 390 minuti alle 12:00 comprenderà i dati del giorno precedente. VWAP non lo faranno. Ricordate, i calcoli VWAP nuovo inizio alla aperte e terminano alla fine. 150 minuti di negoziazione, che sono trascorsi entro le ore 12.00. Pertanto, VWAP alle 12:00 dovrebbe essere confrontato con una media mobile 150 minuti. Nonostante questo ritardo, chartists possono confrontare VWAP con il prezzo corrente per determinare la direzione generale dei prezzi intraday. Funziona in modo analogo ad una media mobile. In generale, i prezzi sono in calo intraday quando sotto VWAP e prezzi intraday sono in aumento quando sopra VWAP. VWAP cadrà da qualche parte tra le day039s alta gamma bassa quando i prezzi sono gamma limitata per la giornata. I prossimi tre grafici mostrano esempi di aumento, in diminuzione e VWAP piatta. Usi per VWAP VWAP viene utilizzato per identificare i punti di liquidità. Come misura di prezzo ponderato per il volume, VWAP riflette il livello dei prezzi ponderata per volume. Questo può aiutare le istituzioni con ordini di grandi dimensioni. L'idea è quella di non perturbare il mercato quando si entra in grande acquisto o di vendita degli ordini. VWAP aiuta queste istituzioni a determinare i punti di prezzo liquidi e illiquidi per una protezione specifica per un brevissimo periodo di tempo. VWAP può essere utilizzato anche per misurare l'efficienza di scambio. Dopo l'acquisto o la vendita di un titolo, istituzioni o individui possono confrontare il loro prezzo a valori VWAP. Un ordine di acquisto eseguito al di sotto del valore di VWAP sarebbe considerato un buon riempimento perché la sicurezza è stato acquistato ad un prezzo medio di seguito. Al contrario, un ordine di vendita eseguito al di sopra del VWAP sarebbe considerato un buon riempimento perché è stato venduto ad un prezzo superiore alla media. Conclusioni VWAP serve come punto di riferimento per i prezzi per un giorno. Come tale, è più adatto per l'analisi intraday. Chartists possono confrontare i prezzi attuali con i valori VWAP per determinare il trend intraday. VWAP può anche essere utilizzato per determinare il valore relativo. I prezzi al di sotto dei valori VWAP sono relativamente basse per quel giorno o di tempo specifico. I prezzi di cui sopra i valori VWAP sono relativamente alti per quel giorno o di tempo specifico. Tenere presente che VWAP è un indicatore cumulativo, il che significa che il numero di punti di dati aumenta progressivamente per tutto il giorno. Su un grafico a 1 minuto, IBM avrà 90 punti di dati (minuti) entro le 11, 210 punti di dati da 1pm e 390 punti di dati da parte del vicino. Il numero aumenta drasticamente come il giorno si estende. Questo è il motivo per cui VWAP ritardo prezzo e questo ritardo aumenta come il giorno si estende. SharpCharts Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) può essere tracciata come un indicatore di sovrapposizione su Sharpcharts. Dopo aver inserito il simbolo di sicurezza, scegliere un periodo intraday e un intervallo. Questo può essere per 1 giorno o riempire il grafico. Chartists alla ricerca di maggiori dettagli possono scegliere di compilare la tabella. Chartist alla ricerca di livelli generali possono scegliere 1 giorno. VWAP può essere tracciata su più di un giorno, ma l'indicatore passerà dal suo valore di chiusura prima del prezzo tipico per il prossimo aperta come inizia un nuovo periodo di calcolo. Si noti inoltre che i valori VWAP a volte può cadere dal grafico dei prezzi. VWAP a 45,5 verrà visualizzato su un grafico con una fascia di prezzo da 45,8 a 47. Chartists a volte hanno bisogno di estendere la gamma di un giorno intero per vedere VWAP sul grafico. Il valore VWAP è sempre visualizzato in alto a sinistra del grafico. Click the chart below to see a live example. California Highways Click here for a key to the symbols used. LRN refers to the Pre-1964 Legislative Route Number. US refers to a US Shield signed route. I refers to an Eisenhower Interstate signed route. Route usually indicates a state shield signed route, but said route may be signed as US or I. Previous Federal Aid (pre-1992) categories: Federal Aid Interstate (FAI) Federal Aid Primary (FAP) Federal Aid Urban (FAU) and Federal Aid Secondary (FAS). Current Functional Classifications (used for aid purposes): Principal Arterial (PA) Minor Arterial (MA) Collector (Col) Rural Minor CollectorLocal Road (RMCLR). Note that ISTEA repealed the previous Federal-Aid System, effective in 1992, and established the functional classification system for all public roads. Quickindex Former State Route 209 No current routing. In 1963, Route 209 was defined as Point Loma to Route 5 in San Diego. In 2003, Chapter 525 deleted Route 209. At one time, the segment to Barnett Street was proposed as a freeway. This was originally part of LRN 12. and was signed as part of US 80. It was defined in 1933. The Gate at the Fort Rosecrans Military Reservation is open daily from 8:00am to 5:15pm. As signs get replaced on I-5. references to Route 209 are disappearing however, Route 209 is still well marked upon Rosecrans. SHC 263.1 Entire route. Overall statistics for Route 209: Total Length (1995): 8 miles Average Daily Traffic (1992): 2,550 to 61,000 Milage Classification: Rural: 0 Sm. Urban: 0 Urbanized: 8. Previous Federal Aid Milage: FAU: 8 mi. Functional Classification: Prin. Arterial: 8 mi. Counties Traversed: San Diego. In 1939, Chapter 794 added the route 147LRN 3 near Station 398, according to the survey of said LRN 3 , Section B, to Shasta Summit near Summit City148. No route number was assigned. This route was added as an urgency measure, in order to accomodate heavy traffic from US 99 to and from Shasta Dam. In 1943, Chapter 964 amended the 1939 definition to specify this as LRN 209. In 1953, Chapter 1836 rewrote the routing: LRN 3 near Project City to Shasta Dam This is present-day Route 151. Interstate 210 From Route 5 near Tunnel Station to Route 57 near San Dimas via the vicinity of San Fernando From Route 57 near San Dimas to Route 10 in Redlands via the vicinity of Highland As defined in 1963, this route ran from Route 5 near Tunnel Station to Route 10 near the east boundary of Los Angeles County via the vicinity of San Fernando. The first segment of this route opened in 1955 this is likely the segment that ran from Foothill Blvd. near Gould Ave. east to near the intersection of Montana Ave. and Canada Ave (cosigned with Route 118 ). When a new alignment over the Arroyo Seco was constructed in 1974, the original alignment was decommissioned and reliquished to the city, still containing one of the grade separations, ramps, mileage signs, and part of the old median. now bypassed portion in Pasadena. There were temporary I-210 shields along a portion of Route 118 at the northern end of the route. Sparker at AAroads provided the following information related to this on 7242016 : From its I-5 terminus, the I-210 freeway did extend only to MacLay Street (then part of Route 118 ) until 1981, when it was extended to the Foothill Blvd. Osborne St. exit (the access road into Little Tujunga Canyon). From the east, I-210 had been completed through the Route 2 interchange to Ocean View Ave. in La Crescenta by 1976, to La Tuna Canyon by 1979, and finally to Sunland Blvd. by 1981. The section from about 2 miles east of La Tuna west to Sunland followed the ridge line of the Verdugo mountains, complete with several substantial gradients in each direction. The final section, from Sunland Blvd. to Osborne St. was completed in 1983 this crossed the Big Tujunga Wash floodplain upstream from Hansen Dam Caltrans bridge engineers had extreme difficulties constructing the crossing because of the depth of usable bedrock, buried under layers of sand and debris washed out of the Big Tujunga canyon. This situation was virtually identical to that found in the San Bernardino area crossings of the Santa Ana River the eventual solution also used buried caissons, tamped down until they wouldnt go any further, with bridge columns rising up from there. From 1981 to 1983 through westbound traffic exited at Sunland Blvd. went east to Wheatland, a local arterial, then north a couple of blocks to Foothill Blvd. (old Route 118 ), then northwest across the existing Big Tujunga bridges before turning west to the already-completed Osborne interchange, where it resumed freeway travel. It was signed TO I-210 in both directions. This area was the location site for several film and TV productions, most notably the film Chinatown mdash the old Route 118 bridge over the Big Tujunga Wash was where the P. I. Jake, the character played by Jack Nicholson, was searching for traces of water releases from upstream. Later (1977-81) the uncompleted I-210 between MacLay and Osborne, including the Route 118 interchange, was the go-to freeway filming site for the TV series CHiPs. The first mention of the connection to the Long Beach Freeway was in 1961, when CHPW notes that the extension was defined by SB 480, and Advance Planning was starting to determine potential routes. In 1964, it was reported that planning was underway for the Long Beach Freeway (Route 7. now Route 710 ) from the Foothill Freeway, Route 134 and Long Beach Freeway Interchange to Norwich Avenue. On June 3-4 1964, a routing was adopted for I-210, Route 134. and Route 710 (then Route 7 ). This routing extends the Long Beach Freeway four mi N-ly to Route 134. and then extends I-210 N-ly to Sunland. It also extends Route 2 to I-210. Starting at Huntington Drive, the route proceeds N-ly to connect with Route 134 I-210, swings W-ly just S of Devils Gate Dam and proceeding generally S of Foothill Blvd through the Verdugo Mtns and across Big Tujunga Wash to Wheatland Ave. Also noticable on the map is the inclusion of Route 159 (old Figueroa Blvd, and the connection on Linda Vista between Route 134 and I-210), Route 248 (which was the surface street routing of Colorado between Route 134 and I-210 near Monrovia), and Route 212 (which is the old Valley Blvd routing of US 60. former LRN 77 ). The legislative definitions were later amended to note that Route 159 and Route 248 ceased to be state highways after I-210 was completed. Note how this also still shows Route 118 in the area that was later renumbered to Route 210. In 1968, the first official few miles of Route 210 opened for business between Arcadia and Duarte. Work on the freeway west beyond Pasadena to I-5 Freeway and east into the Inland Valley moved steadily. In 1971, the route was completed to Foothill Boulevard in La Verne, where it dumped into the western stub of Route 30. its eastward movement (and years of late-afternoon traffic) ground to a dead stop, 28 miles short of San Bernardino. Route 210, at the present day Route 57 junction, continued continued south to I-10 near Pomona. In 1989, San Bernardino County approved Measure I, adding to the sales tax for highway projects. Shortly after, Los Angeles County followed suit, providing funds for the work in La Verne and Claremont. At this point, Route 30 (now Route 210) continued construction EB. Turning now to the Route 30 portion in San Bernadino (more information under Route 30 ): Plans for this route began as early as 1957, but it was the mid-1970s when it got built as far east as Highland and Route 330 (which was originally part of Route 30 ). We then had the period of freeway doldrums that Route 210 faced. In 1990 that the work began between Highland and I-10 in Redlands. About 79 million later, that segment opened for traffic on July 1, 1993. In 1998, AB 2388, Chapter 221 split the route into two segments: (a) Route 5 near Tunnel Station to Route 57 near San Dimas via the vicinity of San Fernando. (b) Route 57 near San Dimas to Route 10 in Redlands via the vicinity of Highland. It also renumbered the I-10 (near Pomona) to I-210 (near San Dimas) portion as Route 57. and renumbered Route 30 as Route 210. The western portion of Route 30 remained signed as Route 30 until November 2002, when is was resigned as Route 210 (state shield) (the eastern portion of Route 30 remained as Route 30 ) The portion of (state) Route 210 between Route 57 and Sierra opened on November 24, 2002. Construction of the I-15 Route 30 210 interchange began in earlymid 1998, with the Route 210 freeway extending west to Haven Avenue in Rancho Cucamonga, and east to Etiwanda Avenue in Fontana. When this segment of freeway opened, it was accessible from Day Creek Blvd east to Sierra Avenue in Fontana. Later, the segment from Route 66 to Day Creek opened. In late 1998, other San Bernardino County sections started construction, to tie in with the neighboring Los Angeles County section of Route 210 from Foothill Blvd (Route 66) to the county line through La Verne and Claremont. Construction of the Los Angeles county section started in 1997. In November 2000, the California Transportation Commission had two Route 30 projects on its agenda (yes, as Route 30. not Route 210). One was a 17.5 million request from SANBAG (San Bernardino Associated Governments) for Route 30 from Cucamonga Canyon Wash to Hermosa Avenue for a 6-lane freeway and two HOV lanes (with 7.44 million to be requested later, and 21.007 million from other sources. The 17.5 million is 2.008M state, 15.492M Federal). The second proejct was segment 4 from Hermosa Ave to Milliken Avenue. This is also 6-lanes plus 2 HOV. The cost for this is 10.166M (1.167M state, 8.999M Federal), with 10.7M from other sources. Construction of the remaining segment, between Sierra and the present Route 30 (from I-10 into San Bernardino), began in 2002 and was completed in 2007. Costs for the last section through Rialto and San Bernardino total approximately 233 million. The freeway includes three travel lanes and a carpool lane in each direction and features on-ramps and off-ramps at Alder Avenue, Ayala Drive and Riverside Avenue in Rialto, as well as State Street in San Bernardino. It was also designed to expand. There is a wide enough median so Caltrans could add another lane on either side at any point, up to five lanes on either side. Additionally, the freeway was built with long life pavement that can last up to 40 years. Once the City of Rialto extends Pepper Avenue north to the freeway, on-ramps and off-ramps will be built at Pepper (interchange planning for Pepper began in 2014). That segment is signed as (state) Route 210, although at times it was signed as Temporary Route 30 . It opened to the public on July 24, 2007. As of December 2008, field reports confirmed that Route 30 is now completely resigned as Route 210 on all overhead signs and trailblazers, as well as on approaching routes. In some cases, a Route 210 shield was pasted over an Route 30 shield on the overhead signs, but in many cases, an entirely new sign panel was put up. About half of the postmila bridge ID signs at the overcrossings and undercrossings have been changed from SBD-30 to SBD-210. The postmile markers that showed the route as Route 30. There appears to be one exception, on the short Route 259 connector that links NB I-215 with eastbound Route 210. There is one interchange on that route at Highland Avenue. The shield on the freeway entrance sign at Highland for NB Route 259 (which defaults into EB Route 210) is still a Route 30 shield, rather than Route 210, and the sign designating it as the business route for Route 18 and Route 30 is still there approaching the Highland offramp. Additionally, there are Route 30 shields posted in Claremont and Upland along Baseline Ave and on 19th Street in Rancho Cucamonga as of December 2009. In May 2014, it was reported that plans were announced for a new interchange on I-210 at Pepper Avenue. Construction of the diamond style interchange will start the middle of 2015 with completion in 2016. The project is estimated to cost 19 million. This route was approximately LRN 157 (defined in 1933) between US 99 (present-day I-5 ) and Route 118. Before the freeway, this ran along Brand Blvd and Foothill Blvd. The route was LRN 9. defined in 1909, between Route 118 and the vicinity of La Verne, using a freeway routing. This was also part of LRN 240 between Pasadena and San Dimas, and was defined in 1957. Before the signage as I-210, this route included segments of Route 118 and US 66. In October 2016, the CTC authorized relinquishment of right of way in the city of La Canada Flintridge along Route 210 at Meadow Grove Street (07-LA-210-PM R21.1R21.3), consisting of nonmotorized transportation and collateral facilities. The City, by resolution dated September 20, 2016, agreed to waive the 90-day notice requirement and accept title upon relinquishment by the State. The SAFETEA-LU act, enacted in August 2005 as the reauthorization of TEA-21, provided the following expenditures on or near this route: High Priority Project 219 . Soundwall construction on the I-210 freeway in Pasadena. 1,440,000 . In March 2008, Caltrans activated four freeway-to-freeway ramp meters: from both the northbound Orange Freeway (Route 57 ) and the northbound San Gabriel River Freeway (I-605 ) to the eastbound and westbound Foothill Freeway (I-210) interchanges within the cities of San Dimas to Irwindale in the San Gabriel Valley. On March 10, the meters to the westbound I-210 were activated for the morning commute and the eastbound meters were turned on for the afternoon commute on March 24. The project, just one part of congestion relief on this 50-mile I-210 corridor, will by fall 2008, meter all on-ramps and connectors in both directions from the San Bernardino County line to the Golden State Freeway (I-5 ). Four freeway-to-freeway connector meters onto eastbound and westbound I-210 will be activated at northbound Glendale Freeway (Route 2 ) and eastbound Ronald Reagan Freeway (Route 118 ). Another meter will be activated at eastbound Ventura Freeway (Route 134 ) to westbound I-210. Construction for the metering project was more than halfway complete by April 2008 and operational. In June 2010, it was reported that a road was finally constructed under an I-210 overpass. When I-210 was built, a tunnel was left where the freeway passed over East Pasadena, even though there wasnt a road. City engineers at the time didnt have the funds to build a road, but a bridge was built. 9M was spent by the City of Pasadena to permit City engineers to extend Walnut Street and Kinneloa Avenue so that they intersect and so that Kinneloa continues under the freeway. Both roads used to stop short, which cut off traffic. Now drivers and walkers can cross over - residents north of the freeway can easily cross over to the businesses on the southern side of the freeway. Once the project got the green light, the water main and electrical cables had to be upgraded. Construction crews had to build a bridge over the flood channel that cuts over Walnut Avenue. The street grade had to be leveled where there was a hump in the road. However, a report from a reader of this site clarified the situation: When I-210 was built, the Santa Fe mainline was rerouted to the center divider between just west of Lake Avenue to Arcadia, where a bridge crossed the eastbound lanes and the tracks went back onto their original alignment. However, part of the original Santa Fe mainline was far enough south of the freeway to remain. This mainline became a spur that continued to serve businesses along the tracks, ending just west of Allen Avenue at a lumber yard. The spur rejoined the new mainline by passing under the eastbound lanes of I-210 near where Walnut and Kinneloa met, then moving up a tunnel to join the new mainline at Chapman siding, near where the current Sierra Madre Villa Gold Line station is currently located--the tunnel, in fact, is now an access road for MTA. Originally, a set of tracks continued under the westbound lanes to the north side of the freeway to what had been a naval installation of some sort, which is now a self-storage establishment however, after construction, but before it opened in the late 1970s, the installation closed and those tracks were removed. On the westbound lanes of I-210, you can still see the crossing marked as Navy Spur. The old mainline was finally abandoned in the 1980s and some of the local businesses used the westbound overpass for equipment storage. Looking at old topographic maps of the area, one can see the tracks and the bridges in question--at the time of construction (mid-1970s), the city of Pasadena had no plans to build a road under the freeway at that point as there was an active railroad operating at that time. The overpasses were not built for some unfunded future project--in fact, if you look at the actual alignment of the streets and the freeway bridge before the new project, it is clear that Kinneloa Avenue was not intended to continue northward (it did, in fact, go all the way north to Foothill Blvd before the freeway was built.) The street north of the freeway was named Titley Avenue, reflecting the lack of plans for a Kinneloa extension at that time. The westward extension of Walnut Street from Kinneloa was along the abandoned Santa Fe right-of way. Source: Pasadena Star News, 52810 In 2009, plans were revealed for a replacement of the railroad bridge in Arcadia. The Gold Line Foothill Extension Authority unveiled a San Gabriel Valley-themed design for a rail bridge honoring local wildlife and native cultures. The 739-foot bridge will stretch diagonally across I-210 to Santa Anita Avenue in Arcadia. It will be adorned by four basket-shaped columns that pay tribute to the basket-weaving of local indigenous peoples, specifically the Chumash who lived along the coast. The columns will contain bright lights to illuminate the dark area under the bridge. The bridge itself will have individual grooves, like the scales of a snake, to honor local wildlife, said artist and designer Andrew Leicester. The design was one of many Leicester had conceptualized, but its selection received approval from both the Foothill Extension board and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Officials estimate the bridge will cost 20 million to 25 million. Officials hope to get construction going in June 2010, with an eye on completion by 2013. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which oversees funding for the project, lists the projects completion date as 2017. A picture of the basket is available here. Following the August 2010 release of the Phase 2A (Pasadena to Azusa) Request for Proposals for Design-Build-Finance services (to construction the track, stations, a 25-acre Maintenance and Operations Facility, crossings, bridges, utilities and more), the three short listed teams are preparing proposals. Proposals for the 450 million project are due in late January 2011, and an award is anticipated for April 2011. This schedule keeps us on track for a late 2014 project completion. IFS design-build team Skanska USAAECOM is Fall and Winter 2010 finalizing designs for the 584-foot bridge over the eastbound lanes of the I-210 freeway. They are currently working with the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) to get the necessary permits to conduct some additional geologic testing at the IFS site location, which will help finalize the design (testing will take place in October 2010). Installation begin in mid-2011. In September 2011, it was reported that foundation work for the Arcadia Bridge had begun. The entire bridge work is expected to be completed in the summer of 2012, while the whole 11.5 mile extension of the Metro Gold Line is due to be finished in 2015. The extension will continue the Gold Line east into Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale and Azusa. Skanska, the contractor, began serious work on the 18.6-million bridge in early summer 2011, and is scheduled to be complete in July 2012. The steel frame for two of the three bridge columns (and their associated deep foundations) are in the ground and the third was installed in October 2011. The two deep completed foundations are 110-feet-deep and 11-feet in diameter mdash motorists on the 210 can only see the 16 feet steel skeletons that are above ground. The three deep foundations have nearly 11 miles of rebar, as well as more than 1,300 cubic yards of concrete from Irwindale. They also have a relatively new technology mdash never used before by Metro mdash that that in the future will allow Metro to check the structural integrity of the concrete after earthquakes by measuring electrical pulses traveling along wires inside each abutment. In December 2011, work crews will begin installing the falsework allowing them to build the bridge itself. The temporary support for the bridge must span the width of the freeway for the entire stretch across the freeway, which will create a tunnel of sorts for the eastbound 210 while work is being done. In March 2012, it was reported that construction of the falsework for the bridge was completed. The 584-foot-long falsework consists of nearly 50 beams that are 90 to 100 feet long and hundreds of smaller beams. It will help support over 5,000 tons of concrete that will form part of the bridges superstructure during an 18-hour period in May. In October 2012, additional information was provided on the baskets themselves. The two massive decorative baskets, which are each made of 60 different cast segments that weigh 800 pounds each. The concrete segments will form nine rings around the baskets, ultimately stacked and locked together to create the towering forms of woven baskets. First, a pattern for the curvy segment is made, then a mold is taken and the concrete is cast into the mold. The baskets are being made of cement that includes several kinds of glass, stone and sand from the Vulcan Rock Quarry in Azusa to give it a flashier look. About 15 tall concrete reeds will protrude out of each of the baskets as if they were unfinished. The baskets themselves will be installed before the bridges 121512 dedication. The fabrication and installation cost of the bridge baskets is about 500,000. In December 2012, it was reported that the bridge was completed on time and on budget. A side effect of the extension of Route 210 has been an increase in traffic. In 2001, the average daily traffic in both directions on Route 210 at San Dimas Avenue was 67,000 vehicles. That number jumped to 177,000 in 2007, with Caltrans expecting it to rise further when the final leg opens. Route 210 is now among the Southlands busiest freeways. Officials in some San Gabriel Valley communities have complained about spillover traffic on surface streets. San Marino officials said traffic on Huntington Drive jumped 20 after the last section of Route 210 opened in 2002. After Route 210 was extended 20 miles east to Fontana in 2002, Fontana noticed an increase not just in freeway traffic but surface street congestion as folks exited the freeway to avoid its congestion. In April 2009, the CTC approved relinquishment of right of way in the city of La Verne along Route 210U and 210 from Foothill Boulevard to the Claremont city limits, consisting of superseded highway right of way and collateral facilities. In July 2007, the CTC relinquished right of way in the city of Claremont, between Williams Avenue and the Los AngelesSan Bernardino County line, consisting of superseded highway right of way, reconstructed and relocated city streets, frontage roads and cul-de-sacs. In October 2016, the CTC amended the SHOPP to add the following: 08-SBd-210 0.010.3 Route 210 In the cities of Upland and Rancho Cucamonga, from Los Angeles County line to east of Etiwanda Avenue. Convert existing limited access HOV lanes to continuous access HOV lanes to allow safer ingress and egress movements for HOV. Project split. FY 1617. In December 2002, the CTC considered relinquishment of the former surface routing in Rancho Cucamonga (PM SBD 9.49.9). In April 2003, the CTC considered relinquishment of quite a few segments of what was presumably the old routing: 08-SBd-15, 30-PM 9.29.4 Routes 15, 30 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga 08-SBd-30-PM 9.49.6 Route 30 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga 08-SBd-30-PM 12.715.0 Route 30 in the City of Fontana 08-SBd-30, 210-PM 4.09.4 Routes 30, 210 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga and 08-SBd-30, 210-PM 9.212.6 Routes 30, 210 in the City of Fontana. In October 2004, the CTC considered relinquishment of right of way in the City of Fontana, from Knox Avenue to Sierra Avenue, consisting of superseded highway right of way, reconstructed and relocated city streets and cul-de-sacs. The City, by freeway agreement dated November 14, 1996, agreed to accept title upon relinquishment by the State. The 90-day notice period expired September 15, 2004, without exception. In June 2008. the CTC relinquished right of way in the city of Rialto, on West Easton Street, between the west city limit line and North Ayala Drive, consisting of relocated and reconstructed city streets and frontage roads. In January 2011, the CTC relinquished right of way in the city of Rialto along Route 210 between Mango Avenue and Lilac Avenue, consisting of collateral facilities. In June 2011, the CTC relinquished right of way in the city of Rialto along Route 210 on Highland Avenue and between Lilac Avenue and the east city limits, consisting of superseded highway right of way and collateral facilities. In October 2015, the CTC approved for future consideration of funding a project in San Bernardino County that will construct a new interchange on Route 210 at Pepper Avenue in the city of Rialto (08-SBd-210, PM 19.320.1). The project is fully funded with federal and local dollars. The total estimated cost is 23,770,000 for capital and support. Construction is estimated to begin in Fiscal Year 201516. A copy of the ND has been provided to Commission staff. In late 2007, the final 233-million, 8-mile extension between the Route 30 portion of Route 210 in San Bernardino and the Route 210 portion that continues West was completed. However, the I-210Route 215 interchange will not be complete for a few more years. Construction was originally scheduled begin on the interchange in mid-to-late 2008, with completion around 20112012. However, in October 2008. SANBAG increased the delay by turning the project over to Caltrans, moving the date past 2013. A combination of factors, including seismic and structural concerns, are causing the delay of the interchanges that will include elevated flyover connectors, similar to those used at the I-215 Route 91 interchange. SANBAG officials made the connectors a separate project because of design changes to deal with seismic and liquefaction concerns at the site. The transition to Caltrans was felt to be beneficial because it would expedite permits and reviews, which had to go through Caltrans anyway. Another advantage to having Caltrans manage construction is that it has access to the State Transportation Improvement Program construction contingency funds that otherwise wouldnt be available to SANBAG. A potential 7.2 million could be made available. Until the connectors are constructed, it will not be possible to go directly from the EB Route 210 to SB I-215. nor will it be possible to go from NB I-215 to WB Route 210. Other transitions that connect Route 210 to I-215 already exist. The transition from SB I-215 to EB Route 30 (Route 210) is already open. The connector road that will bridge SB I-215 to the WB Route 210 will be operational once Route 210 opens. However, those connectors are not designed to handle the heavy traffic loads (2,500 carshour) the final connectors can the current connectors can only carry 1,500 carshour. The delays are primarily seismic: in late 1999 and early 2000, a geologist conducting work in the area identified tell-tale signs of the potential for a seismic phenomenon known as fault rupture. Fault-rupture damage can differ greatly from other seismic activity so special planning is needed. (Information obtained from San Gabriel Daily Bulletin, 5292007 ) In February 2010, the CTC approved an adjustment to the allocation amount for the Route 210I-215 Connectors project (PPNO 0194Q) in San Bernardino County, from 45,634,000 to 18,672,000, in accordance with Assembly Bill 608. Specifically, on April 16, 2009, the Commission approved Resolutions CMIA-A-0809-012 and STIP1B-A-0809- 015 allocating 29,000,000 Corridor Management Improvement Account (CMIA) and 45,634,000 Regional Improvement Program (RIP) funds to the Route 210I-215 Connectors project programmed in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Both RIP and CMIA allocations were made possible by SANBAGs purchasing of a Private Placement bond from the State Treasurers Office. The project was awarded on October 25, 2009, for 47,672,000 (29,000,000 CMIA and 18,672,000 RIP), including supplemental work, state furnished materials, and contingencies. Section 188.8 of the Streets and Highways Code allows the Commission to adjust an allocation amount for a capital outlay project in the STIP if the construction contract award amount for the project is less than 80 of the engineers final estimate. As a result, Caltrans requested a downward adjustment of 26,962,000 to San Bernardino Countys regional share balance. In October 2016, the CTC authorized relinquishment of right of way in the city of San Bernardino along Route 210 from Macy Street to 26th Street, along Route 210U (West Highland Avenue) from the westerly city boundary to 0.1 miles east of Route 210, and along Route 215 from Route 210 to 27th Street (08-SBd-210-PM 20.022.2, 08-SBd-210U-PM 20.822.2, and 08-SBd-215-PM 9.79.9), consisting of superseded highway and collateral facilities. The City, by freeway agreements dated January 7, 2002, agreed to accept title upon relinquishment by the State. The 90-day notice period expired August 29, 2016. In March 2013, the CTC approved 577,000 to widen ramps on northbound Route 210 and widen Greenspot Road from 4 lanes to 6 lanes in Highland, on Route 210 at Greenspot Road, and on Greenspot Road from Route 210 to Boulder Avenue. The SAFETEA-LU act, enacted in August 2005 as the reauthorization of TEA-21, provided the following expenditures on or near this route: High Priority Project 2051 . Improve interstates and roads part of the Inland Empire Goods Movement Gateway project in and around the former Norton Air Force Base. 20,000,000 . In June 2012, the CTC approved for future consideration of funding a project that will improve a section of Greenspot Road between Route 210 and Boulder Avenue, including Route 210 northbound termini ramps and the Boulder Avenue intersection in San Bernardino County. This is the interchange just to the E of the former Norton AFB (San Bernardino International Airport), where 5th Avenue turns into Greenspot Road. As of 2008, the eastern terminus of Route 210 at Route 10 is no longer signed as Route 30 Route 330. HighlandRunning Springs. Its now signed as Route 210Route 330. PasadenaRunning Springs. Also, at the junction of Route 210 and Route 18. freeway entrance shieldsoverheads have been replaced with Route 210 shields. Other junctions (like Highland AveFwy 210) still have Route 30 freeway entrance shields. The entire former Route 30 Fwy has Route 210 reassurance shields, but certain overheads still contain Route 30 signs (notably with the junction of Route 330 ), but they may be updated in early 2008. It is believed that in September 2007 the entire route will be resubmitted to AASHTO to be redesignated as I-210. The portion of this freeway from Route 5 to Route 10 is named the Foothill Freeway . It was officially named by Senate Concurrent Resolution 29, Chapter 128, in 1991 (although the name had been in use long before then). The first segment opened in 1955 the last segment in 1999. The portion of I-210 from Gould Avenue to Orange Grove Boulevard in the County of Los Angeles near where Jackie Robinson grew up is named the Jackie Robinson Memorial Highway . Jack Roosevelt ldquoJackierdquo Robinson was born in January 1919, in Cairo, Georgia, to a family of sharecroppers. Jackie Robinson and his four brothers dagger (and their sister) were raised by a single mother who in 1920 managed to move the family to Pasadena, California, and they became the first and only black family on their block. Jackie Robinson was a natural athlete and succeeded at John Muir High School and attended Pasadena City College where he continued his athletic career by succeeding in basketball, football, baseball, and track in 1938 when he was named the regionrsquos Most Valuable Player. Jackie Robinson transferred to the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1939 where he became the first Bruin to letter in four sports: baseball, basketball, football, and track. Jackie Robinson served as a second lieutenant in the United States Army from 1942 to 1944 and was arrested and court martialed during boot camp for refusing to move to the back of a bus. He was later acquitted of all charges and received an honorable discharge. In early 1945, the Kansas City Monarchs sent him a written offer to play professional baseball in the Negro leagues. In all, Jackie Robinson played 47 games for the Monarchs, hitting .387 with five home runs and registering 13 stolen bases. In 1946, Jackie Robinson arrived at Daytona Beach, Florida, for spring training with the all-white Montreal Royals of the Class Triple-A International League and farm team for the Brooklyn Dodgers. On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson made his major league debut for the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field before a crowd of 26,623 spectators, including more than 14,000 black patrons, marking the first time ever that an African American athlete played in major league baseball. Jackie Robinson faced the constant onslaught from the public and from players objecting to playing with him. Jackie Robinson stood firm and focused on beating the critics on the field, despite the umpires who were supposed to protect all the players, including Jackie Robinson, turning a blind eye to the abuse and pitches aimed at his head that he endured, putting his life in danger. Jackie Robinson finished the 1947 season having played in 151 games for the Dodgers with a batting average of .297, an on-base percentage of .383, and a .427 slugging percentage. He had 175 hits, scoring 125 runs, including 31 doubles, 5 triples, and 12 home runs, driving in 48 runs for the year. He led the league with 28 sacrifice hits and 29 stolen bases. His cumulative performance earned him the inaugural Major League Baseball Rookie of the Year Award. Jackie Robinson retired on January 5, 1957, from professional baseball with an impressive career batting average of .311. Jackie Robinson became a vocal champion for African American athletes, civil rights, and other social and political causes, so that, after baseball, he became active in business and continued his work as an activist for social change and served on the board of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) until 1967. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. In 1972, the Dodgers retired his uniform number of 42. His number, 42, is the only number to be retired by all of baseball in honor of his accomplishments, including being the first African American to break the color barrier. Jackie Robinson died from heart problems and diabetes complications in October 1972, in Stamford, Connecticut. Jackie Robinsonrsquos life and legacy will be remembered as one of the most important in American history. In 1997, the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of his breaking major league baseballrsquos color barrier, and in doing so, honored the man who stood defiantly against those who would work against racial equality and acknowledged the profound influence of one manrsquos life on American culture. Every year on the anniversary of Jackie Robinsonrsquos historic debut, all major league baseball teams across the nation celebrate this milestone by wearing jerseys with only ldquo42rdquo on the back. To this day Jackie Robinson is regarded as an inspiring example of how to combat hate and discrimination in the world. Named by Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) 198, Res. Chapter 165, Statutes of 2016, on September 1, 2016. dagger The world remembers Jackie. The world does not remember his brother, Mack Robinson, who was equally important to the world and to Pasadena. At the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Jesse Owens demonstrated to Hitler that athletic prowess wasnt exclusively Aryan. The runner who took silver in the 200-meter sprint was also a black American. He was Mack Robinson, from Pasadena, Jackies brother. In 1914, the city opened a whites-only swimming pool, called Brookside Plunge. After black protests, they allowed blacks to use it once a week. Then the city drained it and refilled it with fresh water. This is the Pasadena that Mack Robinson, Jackie Robinson, and his family found when they arrived from Georgia in 1920. Deserted by her husband and providing for five children, Mackrsquos mother worked as a maid, and by 1923 saved enough money to buy a home. But the home was in a white neighborhood. Some neighbors proposed buying them out, but Mackrsquos sister later recalled the plan died out when a white resident declared that the Robinsons were good neighbors. In the early 1930s, Mack Robinson went to Muir High School, but didnrsquot take part in sports right away because of a heart problem. His mother signed a waiver, and Mack persevered, helping Muir win the state championship in 1934. Mack had one year at Pasadena Junior College mdash now PCC mdash before he won a regional Olympic qualifying. But it seemed unlikely that Mack would even make it to the final trials, because they were in New York, because Pasadena Junior College didnrsquot have the money to send him to New York. A group of Pasadena businessmen stepped in and raised the money, and Mack won his spot at the 1936 Olympics. On race day in Berlin, Mack found himself in front of thousands of Germans, and just 15 feet from Adolf Hitler. In the 200-meter, Mack finished less than a half second behind Jesse Owens. And itrsquos even more impressive given the fact that Mack was wearing old worn down spikes (Jessie Owens had new spikes from Adidas). Gold medalist Jesse Owens got a ticker-tape parade in Manhattan and 10,000 in cash. The winner of the bronze was recognized as a hero in the Netherlands, where he was honored across the nation as the ldquobest sprinter of the white race. rdquo Mack was ignored by Pasadena when he returned. Mack won national collegiate and Amateur Athletic Union track titles at the University of Oregon, but quit school to go home and support his family. He got a job with the City of Pasadena as a street sweeper and later dug ditches and sewer lines. Mack sometimes swept the streets in his Olympic sweatshirt, his silver medal around his neck. In 1970, Pasadena earned the dubious distinction of being the first non-Southern city ordered to desegregate its schools. And Pasadenarsquos public schools are where Mack Robinson found his true calling. He became a truant officer at Muir and an activist against blight and crime in northwest Pasadena. An LA Times article from 1983 referred to Mack as a ldquocrusader for law, order, decency, small children, good neighborhoods and good government. rdquo The 1980s saw Pasadena get its first black mayor and Rose Queen, and Mack finally began to receive some recognition for his athletic accomplishments. In 1984, he helped carry the Olympic flag into the LA Coliseum for the opening ceremonies of the 1984 Olympics. (Source: KPCC Southern California Public Radio Hidden History of LA, 5192016 ) The portion of Route 210 from Rosemead Boulevard on the east to Allen Avenue on the west in the City of Pasadena is officially designated the Pasadena Police Agent Richard Morris Memorial Highway . It was named in memory of Pasadena Police Agent Richard Frank Morris, who was born in 1940 and grew up in Temple City and Rosemead, attending Muscatel Junior High School and Rosemead High School in the San Gabriel Valley. Between 1958 and 1960, Richard Morris attended Mt. San Antonio College, graduating with an Associatersquos Degree in Political Science prior to enlisting in the United State Marine Corps Reserve. Richard Morris directed his commitment to public service and sense of adventure into a career in police work, joining the Pasadena Police Department in February of 1962 and entering the basic training academy. Richard Morris graduated from the police academy training program on March 30, 1962, and began his career as a police officer in the City of Pasadena. Richard Morris was promoted to the rank of Police Agent in the Detective, Narcotics Unit in February of 1968. Throughout his tenure with the Pasadena Police Department, Police Agent Morris was regarded as a rising star within the police force. Police Agent Morris was protecting the ideals and values of the Pasadena community when he was shot and killed in the line of duty on March 13, 1969, while pursuing an assault suspect. Police Agent Morris is remembered within the City of Pasadena for his honor, courage, and commitment to the residents of the City of Pasadena. It was named by Assembly Concurrent Resolution 170, Resolution Chapter 181, 091114. The interchange with Route 57 (i. e. the former Route 30 Route 210 interchange) is named the Police Officer Louie Pompei Memorial Interchange . Louis (Louie) A. Pompei was born August 4, 1964, in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. He was a physical fitness buff, and body builder, who earned a silver medal in the bodybuilding competition of the 1994 California Police Olympics, and who was a runner on the Glendora-Monrovia-Arcadia Police relay team, which annually competes in the Baker to Vegas 120-mile Challenge Cup relay race. He graduated from Mansfield University, Pennsylvania, in 1986 with a BA degree in Criminal Justice Administration and was hired as a Police Officer trainee by the Glendora Police Department on October 12, 1987. He graduated from the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Academy on March 4, 1988, and worked in the Patrol Division of the Glendora Police Department from 1988 to 1992 where he developed an enthusiasm for working narcotics cases, working as a narcotics investigator in the Detective Division of the Glendora Police Department from 1992 to 1995. During this time, he was assigned to a position with L. A. IMPACT, a major crimes multijurisdictional task force, composed of officers from agencies throughout the county, primarily dedicated to investigating major drug suppliers through southern California. On June 9, 2002, while off duty in a Vons Market in Via Verde, Officer Pompei attempted to stop an armed robbery takeover in which a box boy was being pistol whipped, and was killed in a fire fight. His colleagues remember him for his love of life, contagious enthusiasm, positive and outgoing attitude, and generous, helpful, and dependable personality. Named by Senate Concurrent Resolution 64, Chapter 105, on August 8, 2002. Surprisingly, the resolution refers to the Route 30Route 210 interchange, even thought at the time of passage, Route 30 no longer existed. I guess the legislative analyst missed finding that error. The interchange of I-605 and I-210 is named the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange . It was named in memory of Deputy David W. March of the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, who was killed in the line of duty at the age of 33 on April 29, 2002, in Irwindale while conducting a routine traffic stop. He was a longtime resident of Santa Clarita Valley and a 1988 graduate of Canyon High School where he played football and baseball. He served seven years as a law enforcement officer. It was named by Assembly Concurrent Resolution 142, July 16, 2004. Chapter 122. The I-15 Route 210 interchange is named the William Leonard interchange. William E. Leonard served as Chairman for both the California Highway Commission and the California Transportation Commission (1973-1974). The portion of this route that approximates the path of old US 66. as well as the parallel original surface routings, are part of Historic Highway Route 66 , designated by Assembly Concurrent Resolution 6, Chapter 52, in 1991. The portion of the route from the City of Duarte to I-15 is named the William H. Lancaster Memorial Highway . William H. (Bill) Lancaster was born in Bakersfield. He was elected to the Duarte City Council in 1958 and reelected in 1962, and served three terms as the citys mayor. He was elected to the California Assembly in 1972 where he served on the Assembly Committee on Rules, the Assembly Committee on Transportation, and the Assembly Committee on Local Government. He was honored as Legislator of the Year by the League of California Cities in 1991 for his efforts to protect city finances. During his tenure on the Assembly Committee on Transportation, Bill Lancaster fought for the extension of Route 210. He retired from the Assembly in 1992. Named by Assembly Concurrent Resolution 2, Chapter 76, 6272003. The portion of this route from the existing interchange of Route 210 30 and Route 215. in the City of San Bernardino at post-mile 21.84, to the existing interchange of Route 210 30 and Route 10, in the City of Redlands at postmile 33, is officially named the Martin A. Matich Highway . This segment was named in honor of Martin A. Matich. Matich served as a Colton City Council member from 1956 to 1958, and served as the mayor of the City of Colton from 1958 to 1960. He also served since 1950 as the president and then the chairman of Matich Corporation, which has been a California company since 1918 and which was founded by his father, John Matich the company is a leader in providing the highways, airports, and public works projects. He also served his community and state as a member of the Loma Linda University Medical Center, the Loma Linda University Childrens Hospital, and the St. Bernardines Medical Center as a member of the board of the National Orange Show Foundation as a member of the board of the Boy Scouts of America-Inland Empire Council as a member of the board of the Girl Scouts of America-San Gorgonio Council and as a member and past director of the San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce. He has provided endowed scholarships to the University of Notre Dame under the names of the John Matich Undergraduate Scholarship and the Joyce Athletic Scholarship, and has provided a scholarship to the University of Redlands in the name of Williamina Matich. He also had a constant record of leadership on state transportation issues and, in particular, long-term support for the construction of the Foothill Freeway. Named by Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) 156, Resolution Chapter 144, on 9122006. The Route 210I-215 interchange is named the Gary Moon Memorial Interchange . This interchange was named in memory of Gary Moon, whoserved with utmost distinction as the Director of Freeway Construction for San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) between October 1990 and March 2003. Mr. Moon earned the respect of the public, elected officials and colleagues for his problem solving abilities, willingness to listen and to take action, sensible and creative approaches to design and construction challenges, fair and kind treatment of staff and coworkers, quick wit and dry sense of humor. During his tenure with the transportation planning agency, Mr. Moon was responsible for the construction of Route 210 in Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, and Fontana, as well as improvements to I-10. Route 60 and Route 71. During his tenure, he was also instrumental in leading project development for the widening of I-215. improvements to congested freeway interchanges, the widening and extension of major streets and the separation of rail crossings from surface streets throughout the San Bernardino Valley. Mr. Moon held a bachelors degree from Claremont Mens College and both masters and doctorate degrees from Claremont Graduate School, was a former Navy Lieutenant, was a political science instructor at California State University, San Bernardino, and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and worked as a principal planner for the Southern California Association of Governments. Too soon after his retirement in March 2003, Mr. Moon was diagnosed with cancer and died after a short battle with the disease at the age of 59 in October 2005. Named by Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 16, Resolution Chapter 86, on 7102007. Bridge 54-0592 on I-10. the I-10 Route 210 (former Route 30 ) interchange in San Bernardino county, is designated the Chresten Knudsen Interchange . It was built in 1962, and was named by Assembly Concurrent Resolution 21, Chapter 47, in 1991. Chresten Knudsen served as a member of the Redlands City Council and in the 1960s was appointed by Governor Ronald Reagan to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. Commuter lanes exist on this route between Route 134 and Sunflower Avenue. These were opened in December 1993, require two or more occupants, and are always in operation. As of late 2007, there were some proposals to convert some future lanes E of I-605 into High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes, as well as the lanes between Route 134 and I-605. In April 2008, the federal government offered Los Angeles County 213 million to convert these lanes to special, congestion-pricing toll lanes. In the proposed deal, the federal money would go toward the purchase of about 60 high-volume buses that would use the new toll lanes. That would free up MTA funds for creating the toll lanes. CTC approval would be required. In the former Route 30 portion, HOV lanes are under construction or planned as follows: From Route 57 to Foothill Blvd. These are scheduled to open in February 1998. From Foothill Blvd to the San Bernardino County line. Construction starts January 1998. From the San Bernardino County line to Mountain Avenue. Construction starts in February 2000. From Mountain Avenue to W of Cucamonga Canyon Wash. Construction starts December 1999. From W of Cucamonga Canyon Wash to Hermosa Avenue. Construction starts in October 1999. From Hermosa Avenue to 0.4 mi W of East Avenue. Construction starts in November 1998. From E of Hemlock Avenue to 02 mi E of Sierra Avenue. Construction starts in December 1999. From 0.2 mi S of Pipeline Avenue to 0.9 mi S of Central Avenue. Construction starts in December 2000. From Linden Avenue to Riverside Avenue. Planning stages. From Riverside Avenue to State Street. Construction starts in 2000. From State Street to 0.4 mi E of I-215. Construction starts in 2000. This portion of this route from Route 66 to Route 110 was part of the Arrowhead Trail (Ocean to Ocean Trail) . It was named by Resolution Chapter 369 in 1925. This route replaced a surface routing (i. e. old US 66 ) that was part of the National Old Trails Road . This route replaced a surface routing (i. e. old US 66 ) that was part of the New Santa Fe Trail . This route replaced a surface routing (i. e. old US 66) that appears to have been part of the National Park to Park Highway , and the Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean Highway . Overall statistics for Route 210 (before the addition of former Route 30 and the transfer to Route 57 ): Total Length (1995): 49 miles Average Daily Traffic (1992): 14,500 to 256,000 Milage Classification: Rural: 0 Sm. Urban: 0 Urbanized: 49. Previous Federal Aid Milage: FAI: 49 mi. Functional Classification: Prin. Arterial: 49 mi. Counties Traversed: Los Angeles, San Bernardino. In 1939, Chapter 338 added the route LRN 28 near Canby to the Oregon State Line near Merrill to the state highway system, provided that the United States Government, through its agencies the Bureau of Public Roads and Forest Service construct or reconstruct the highway with highway funds or any other funds made available by congress for highway purposes within the state of California. No number was assigned. In 1943, Chapter 964 repealed the 1939 definition and added the route, with the same routing, as LRN 210. In 1959, Chapter 1062 reworded the route and added a second segment: LRN 28 near Canby to the Oregon line near Hatfield. From a point on the highway in segment (1) near Hatfield to LRN 72 near Dorris. This was numbered as follows: From LRN 28 (Route 139 present-day Route 139 Route 299 junction) near Canby to the Oregon line near Hatfield. This was present-day Route 139. From a point on the highway in segment (1) near Hatfield to LRN 72 (US 97) near Dorris. This is present-day Route 161. State Route 211 From Route 1 near Rockport to Route 101 near Fernbridge. In 1963, Route 211 was defined as Route 99 near Delano to Route 65 . In 1965. Chapter 1372 deleted that definition of Route 211 and added the route to Route 155. In 1984, Chapter 409 redefined the route as Route 1 near Rockport to Route 101 near Fernbridge. This was the result of a diversion of Route 1 was diverted to terminate at US 101 this was an unconstructed segment of Route 1 (SB 2471, Chapter 409). It is unconstructed from Route 1 to Ferndale. Traversable local roads between the US 101 and the Mendocino County Line include Chemise Mountain Road, Kings Peak Road, Wilder Ridge Road, and Mattole Road. These roads are not constructed to state highway standards and are unacceptable candidate highways for the state highway system. Between the Mendocino County Line and Route 1. the existing road is primative and unsuitable for use as a state highway. The 1963-1965 definition of Route 211 was part of LRN 136. defined in 1933. A portion of this routing is now Route 155. The post-1984 routing was originally part of LRN 56. and was to have been signed as part of Route 1. Route 1 and Route 211 from Mill Valley (Marin County) to Ferndale (Humboldt County) are named the Shoreline Highway . The portion of the route between Rockport and Ferndale (Route 211) is not constructed. The road runs along the Pacific Shore. Named by Senate Concurrent Resolution 91, Chapter 239 in 1957. This portion of coastline is sometimes referred to as The Lost Coast The current routing is unconstructed from Route 1 to Ferndale and is not signed. The portion of the route between the Ferndale city limits and US 101 is signed. The traversable route in Mendocino County is Chemise Mountain Road, Wilder Ridge Road, and Mattole Road. Overall statistics for Route 211: Total Length (1995): 5 miles traversable 103 miles unconstructed. Average Daily Traffic (1992): 3,450 to 5,800 Milage Classification: Rural: 108 Sm. Urban: 0 Urbanized: 0. Previous Federal Aid Milage: FAS: 5 mi. Functional Classification: Collector: 5 mi. Counties Traversed: Mendocino, Humboldt. This route number appears not to have been assigned by the California Legislature before the 1963 renumbering. Overall statistics for Route 213: Total Length (1995): 8 miles constructed 2 miles unconstructed. Average Daily Traffic (1992): 26,000 to 36,500 Milage Classification: Rural: 0 Sm. Urban: 0 Urbanized: 10. Previous Federal Aid Milage: FAU: 7 mi. Functional Classification: Prin. Arterial: 8 mi. Counties Traversed: Los Angeles. In 1947, Chapter 1370 added the route x93to parallel approximately but not coincide with LRN 4 near the northerly city limits of San Fernando to a point on said route near the southerly limits thereofx94. The route was added with no number. In 1949, Chapters 909 and 1467 deleted the 1947 definition of the route, and added the route to the highway code as LRN 213 as x93from a point on LRN 4 near the northerly limits of San Fernando to a point on LRN 4 near the southerly limits of San Fernando, approximately paralleling but not coinciding with LRN 4 x94 In 1961, Chapter 1146 added the condition that LRN 213 would x93cease to be a state highway when the commission relinquishes that portion of the present LRN 4 in the City of San Fernando upon the relocation of LRN 4 outside of the City of San Fernandox94. This route is no longer a state highway. It was Truman Street and San Fernando Road through the city of San Fernando. and corresponds to a one-way routing parallel to the LRN 4 routing on San Fernando Blvd (US 99 ). It is not presently in the state highway system. It was constructed in 1950. Former State Route 214 This was LRN 133 between Visalia and Woodlake. It was LRN 131 between Woodlake and Lemon Cove. Both routes were defined in 1933. It was not signed before 1963. A routing along Lovers Lane between Houston Road and Route 198 in Visalia was adopted on July 9, 1993. In September 2010, the CTC approved for future consideration of funding a project in Tulare County that will widen Route 216 (Houston Ave) to four lanes from Lovers Lane to McAullif Street in the city of Visalia. The project is programmed in the 2010 State Transportation Improvement Program. Construction is estimated to begin in Fiscal Year 2011-12. Total estimated project cost is 11,200,000 for capital and support. The scope as described for the preferred alternative is consistent with the project scope programmed by the Commission in the 2010 State Transportation Improvement Program. The project will require both commercial and residential relocations. In addition the project would remove on-street parking spaces used for businesses in the area. In October 2012, the CTC approved 4,820,000 in funding for the Route 216 Widening in Visalia, from Lovers Lane to east of McAullif Street. Widen to four lanes. Caltrans is exploring creating a roundabout on this route at the intersection of Route 216Route 245 in Woodlake. Other potentialplanned roundabout locations in the San Joaquin Valley include Route 145 Jensen near Kerman, Route 168 Auberry Road in Prather, Route 43 Route 137 in Corcoran, Route 190 Road 152 east of Tipton, Route 190 Road 284 east of Porterville, and Route 155 Browning Road in Delano. A 2007 study of 55 roundabouts in the U. S. found a 35 reduction in accidents and a 90 reduction in fatal accidents when intersections with stop signs or signals were converted to roundabouts. It costs about the same to build a roundabout as to put up traffic signals, and they need significantly less maintenance than traffic signal intersections -- about 60 to 90 less, depending on how much landscaping work is required. In May 2015, the CTC approved for future consideration of funding a project in Tulare County that will widen the bridges and replace the railings at Sand Creek Bridge on Route 201 near Cutler, the Friant-Kern Canal Bridge on Route 201 near Seville, and the Kaweah River Bridge on Route 216 near Lemon Grove. The project is programmed in the 2014 State Highway Operation and Protection Program. The estimated cost is 15,298,000 for capital and support. Construction is estimated to begin in Fiscal Year 2016-17. The scope, as described for the preferred alternative, is consistent with the project scope programmed by the Commission in the 2014 State Highway Operation and Protection Program.

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